
Agriculture in India Introduction Several types of dry fruits, agricultural textile raw materials, and tuber crops, roots, pulses, eggs, coconut, sugarcane, farmed fish, and a wide variety of vegetables are currently produced in India, making it the world's second largest agricultural producer. Wheat and rice, two of the world's most important basic foods, are grown in India to a significant extent. According to data compiled by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 2014, India is the leading global producer of a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. This includes bananas, mangoes, guavas, papayas, lemons, okra, chickpeas, ginger, chili peppers, jute, millets, and castor oil seed, to name a few. What is the Future of Agriculture in India? `1. Implementing Biotechnology: Improved crop health and nutrition, as well as a more robust plant population, can all be attributed to the quantum leap in biotechnology that is currently underway. Rapid-maturing hybrids are more efficient water users since they produce more in less time. Disease resistance can be increased with the help of hybrid seeds that have inherent qualities. Biotechnology and breeding will play a crucial role in creating environmentally friendly, disease-resistant, climate-resilient, nutrient-rich, and delicious crop types. 2.

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